There is a time for everything…

God puts everything together in its place at its own time. I am finally realising what God’s timing means. While we wait, we need perspective, patience, and faith. Everything happens at its own time. And when it finally does everything finally makes sense. Without his perspective we cannot understand why we are waiting, to be able to rest and be at peace we need to look at everything from his perspective with spiritual eyes. He makes our paths straight (Proverbs 3:6)

Patience is needed. We don’t need to make another plan while we wait for God to show us the way. God does not help those who help themselves. We need to be patient and trust in him. When we seek our own ways, we end up getting exhausted emotionally, and mentally and we might not even hear God in the middle of our chaos. The most beautiful waiting period I ever experienced was when I waited in peace while seeking his face and going deeper in a relationship with him. The need doesn’t even matter anymore because he quenches the thirst. As we seek him more and more and we go deeper in relationship with him we become filled by him that nothing else in this world matters. We also become content with where we are and enjoy the present moment realising that the process not the ending is part of our growth and our experience with God. We shouldn’t miss it!

In this world you will face troubles but take heart I have overcome the world (John 16:33). This scripture is very comforting yet can be difficult to receive. To be told you will have troubles is not good. But the comforting part is we are told that we should not worry because everything we are yet to experience the lord has overcome. What it means is the Lord is with us and for us and during the trials and tribulations we can rest assured we are not alone. There is a strong conviction in my heart that believes that he will be there extending his arms to comfort us and give us strength to go through each day. He is for us and not against us. Now how does that link with “there is a time for everything” there is a time when we will feel at our lowest, and we are waiting to get out and we need to have faith 1) on the one who has overcome the world 2) not rush the process and let God do the work on us. Be it healing, restoration etc. We shouldn’t rush but we need to surrender our lives to God and let him take control.  Allow God to work on you and to lead you.

All these experiences lead to a deeper intimate relationship with God. I am learning to seek his face and it shifts how I see God. Not just as one who I go to because I need a prayer answered but because I want a deeper relationship with him. It is refreshing and helps change how we see things.

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